Chapter 16

Today the group that was given chapter 16 presented. Chapter 16 Mazama of the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed. We were giving the argumentative question is there a such thing as bad mom, and what does a good mother do? Which I answers with there is a such thing of a bad mother. Having the ability to be in ones child’s life and providing for said child and choosing not to are all qualities of a bad mother. In my opinion a mother guides her children, teaches them the correct life skills ,and gives unconditional love. We were also asked was Cheryl’s mother a bad mother. No, even through she made plenty of bad decisions she still strived to take care of her 3 children as a single mother.Healing takes time and no ones perfect are the themes we were given which are 2 life lessons everyone has to learn. From personal experience healing time is the hardest one to accept. Like Cheryl I also tried to blame one of my relatives for their death but I soon came to realize I was being selfish trying to make an excuse to help my grief.


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